In this talk, you will learn about new psychological and informational research that tested the analytical capabilities of the well-known ChatGPT chatbot. ChatGPT and other machine learning based communication systems fascinate us with their capabilities and their advent can be expected to change many fields of human activity. In this study, we were interested in the extent to which ChatGPT is able to judge – that is, to estimate the personality of the author of the text that is embedded in the application. For the research, we used a set of 620 texts from 155 different writers to obtain ChatGPT’s estimate of their five key personality characteristics. If you are interested in learning how ChatGPT succeeded in this task, come to the AJG Wortner House on November 1, 2023 at 4pm for an interesting Academic Half Hour.
Alšova jihočeská galerie – Wortner House, U Černé věže 22, České Budějovice
Wednesday at 16:00.