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Klub absolventů Jihočeské univerzity

The USB Alumni Club offers its members other informational, educational, cultural and social events and is intended for all those who have successfully completed their studies at JU within the offered bachelor\\\'s, master\\\'s and doctoral degree programmes.

The USB Alumni Club offers its members other informational, educational, cultural and social events and is intended for all those who have successfully completed their studies at JU within the offered bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programmes. By registering in the USB Alumni Club, a graduate will receive a number of benefits in the form of not only further education, where he/she can additionally supplement his/her professional knowledge and skills, but can also participate in organized cultural and social events at a discounted rate. The registration form in the IS STAG portal can be found HERE.

Did you know that as a graduate you have the opportunity to take advantage of a range of benefits?

For example, car sharing from GoDrive, where as JU graduates we have the opportunity to drive a car with a 7% discount on every ride. For more information, visit the jcu.cz website in the Alumni section.