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University of South Bohemia

Important contacts to keep handy in Czech Republic

For more information read full article.

17:50, 25/09/2022


  • Czech embassies, Schengen visas:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Visa Department www.mzv.cz,  e-mail: vo@mzv.cz.

  • You must have a valid travel document (Passport). If you are under the age of 15 and do not have your passport, you must be listed in your parent’s passport. To qualify for a long-term visa, the passport should not be older than 10 years, it must contain at least two blank pages, and its validity must be at least three months longer than that of the visa.
  • You have confirmed the visa or residency permit application criteria with a Czech embassy or at www.mvcr.cz/cizinci.
  • You are covered by health insurance valid in the Czech Republic.
  • A visa must be issued in your passport, or you must obtain information from the embassy that long-term residency permission has been issued.


  • Residency-related issues, extending a residency permit, reporting changes:

Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic – Department for Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP) www.mvcr.cz/cizinci

Contact details of regional offices of the Ministry of the Interior Address your inquiries to the Ministry of the Interior info-line in Czech: (+420) 974 820 680.

  • Residency checks, Invitation form, reporting arrivals:

Police of the Czech Republic – Foreign Police Service www.policie.cz/clanek/agenda-cizinecke-policie.aspx

  • Work in the Czech Republic, information, employment agencies, vacancies for for­eigners:

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Foreign employment in the Czech Republic: www.mpsv.cz/web/cz/prace-a-zamestnani#prace-cizincu

Employment agencies: www.mpsv.cz/web/cz/prace-a-zamestnani#agentury-prac

Labour Offices: www.uradprace.cz/web/cz/kontakty-

Labour Inspection Offices: www.suip.cz


  • Within 3 working days from arrival, you must report your presence to the Foreign Police (if you have a visa) or to an office of the Ministry of the Interior (if you have applied for a long-term residency permit) unless the accommodation provider performs this duty.


  • If you applied for a long-term residency permit, you must go to an office of the Ministry of the Interior in person within 3 days from arrival to provide your bio­metric data.


  • If you have already provided your biometric data, you will have to come to the same office in person to receive the residency permit and pay the fee.



  • Free information and counselling:
  • Integration Centres – www.integracnicentra.cz Integration Centres can be found in all regions of the country. They will provide you free assistance with choosing the right office to go to with your issue. They also provide Czech language courses, counselling, interpretation and many other ser­vices. Integration Centres always provide free access to the Internet – the staff will help you learn how to use it if you need it.
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – The website cizinci.cz lists all the contacts in the Directory section. NGOs offer free legal and social counselling, Czech language courses, interpretation and translation services and assistance or accompaniment for dealing with authori­ties, going to a doctor or dealing with schools. You can call any NGO for advice and assistance, even if it is outside your area of residency. There are also non-profit non-governmental organizations in various regions that you can visit personally and get advice.


  • Other Useful Organisations:
    • Organization for Aid to Refugees – OPU – legal and social counselling – opu.cz

phone: (+420) 730 158 779, (+420) 739 413 983 (social), (+420) 730 158 781, (+420) 730 158 779 (legal), e-mail: opu@opu.cz

  • Integration Counselling Centre – PPI – legal and social counselling – p-p-i.cz phone: (+420) 603 281 269 (social), e-mail: praha@p-p-i.cz
  • International Organization for Migration – IOM – counselling, work migration, voluntary returns – iom.cz , phone: (+420) 775 965 573, e-mail: prague@iom.int
  • Support Centres for the Integration of Foreigners – CIC – legal and social counselling – cicpraha.org , phone: (+420) 222 360 452 or (+420) 704 600 700 (social), (+420) 222 362 142 (work), e-mail: info@cicpraha.org
  • Association for Integration and Migration – SIMI – legal and social counselling – migrace.com , phone: (+420) 605 253 994 (social), +420 603 547 450 (legal), e-mail: poradna@migrace.com45
  • InBáze, z.s. – legal and social counselling – inbaze.cz , phone: (+420) 739 037 353, e-mail: info@inbaze.cz
  • Caritas Czech Republic – assistance to foreigners in need – charita.cz (Mongolian and Vietnamese: www.charita.cz/infolinka ). Caritas Czech Republic has a network of branches all over the country.
  • Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague – Migration Centre – legal and social counselling, short-term shelter in crisis situations, assistance to victims of human trafficking – praha.charita.cz , phone: (+420) 224 246 573, e-mail: migrace@praha.charita.cz
  • META, o.p.s. – Education guidance for young people and adults, validation of diplomas meta-ops.cz , phone: (+420) 222 521 446 or (+420) 773 304 464, e-mail: info@meta-ops.cz
  • La Strada Czech Republic – assistance to victims of exploitation and trafficking in human beings – strada.cz , SOS helpline: (+420) 222 717171, info line: (+420) 800 077 777
  • EU Immigration Portal: ec.europa.eu/immigration




  • You must report any changes to your last name, marital status and data in your passport and your residency card, including your Czech address, to the Ministry of the Interior.
  • During your entire stay, you must fulfil the purpose of your stay stated in your visa or your long-term residency permit.
  • If you wish to extend your stay beyond the validity of your visa/permit, you must duly:
    1) Apply for an extension of the long-term visa (90 – 0 days prior to the expiry
    of your current visa),       (or)

2) Apply for your first long-term residency permit or its extension (at the
earliest 120 days before it expires and at the latest on the last working day of the validity
of the current visa or the long-term residency permit).

** Note: This Information is written as of July 2022 and contains up-to-date information. Before carrying out any procedure, please make sure to closely examine the website https://www.mvcr.cz/

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