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University of South Bohemia

Culture shock

My name is Davor. I am 22. I am studying at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Sarajevo, Department of Social Work. To the Czech Republic, I came to practice for two months.

13:55, 12/12/2022

I chose the Czech Republic because I think that we can learn more in practice than in classes. At first, I thought that the Czech Republic will be a worse option for my study. When I came here everything was okay but nothing more, nothing special.

When I walked around my dorms people were so kind and nice and then I recognized where I am. I saw something different; parents walking with their children – that sounds weird but when I am in Bosnia and Herzegovina I can see only mothers walking with their children. It seems like the children in Bosnia and Herzegovina have only one of their parents.

Czech people are very nice. Whoever I asked for help, even if they didn’t understand English, tried to explain and help me in any way they could. Everyone is kind of social, they always stick together.

They often celebrate something, if someone who met people from Europe for the first time looked at them, he would say that these people do not know sadness. That’s what I thought too because I met happy people.

It is different, they share everything, happiness, love, problems, sadness, and even beer. It sounds strange, but the important thing in their society is that you want to taste the incomparably good beers in the world they produce. Of course, I must not leave out “Kofola”, if you hear “Kofola” correctly. The Czechs are so brave that after banning the use of Coca-Cola, they decided to make their own Kofola.

Walking through the Czech Republic I was no longer shocked. I felt safe, I felt like I belonged here. I feel as if I belong to the Czech Republic and the Czech Republic belongs to me.

Of course, nothing is perfect. But the Czech Republic was a real refreshment among all the countries I visited this year.

I will only stay in the Czech Republic for two months, but that does not mean that I will never return to it. I will be back, to walk all my memories through the streets that raised my education and my life to a higher level.

Thanks to the Czech Republic and the Czechs for a fabulous first impression.

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