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University of South Bohemia

Could you believe that just 15 minutes from Ceske Budejovice, we have access to one of the most beautiful castles of the Czech Republic? On the 14th of October, the Erasmus students were immersed into the beauty of Hluboká...

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University of South Bohemia

I feel children are the best friends anyone could ask for. They love unconditionally and without holding back. They aren't judgmental, but they are assertive and endearing.

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University of South Bohemia

As I mentioned in my last blog, I came here for practice. From the beginning till today, I spend four weeks in three houses for seniors. These houses for seniors are Máj, Hvízdal and Dobrá Voda. At first, I was thinking that I will spend the whole practice with seniors and that was really bad for me because I know how that looks in my country.

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University of South Bohemia

My name is Davor. I am 22. I am studying at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Sarajevo, Department of Social Work. To the Czech Republic, I came to practice for two months.

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University of South Bohemia

The climate of the Czech Republic can be categorized as continental or temperate, which is variable, and there are no recognizable climatic zones. Temperatures generally decrease with increased elevation (hilly areas) but are reasonably constant around the southern half of the country with the mean average temperature being 7–9°C.

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University of South Bohemia

This article provides insights and a summary of the necessary knowledge for staying in the Czech Republic. It is essential to know a few things about the country before your arrival.

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University of South Bohemia

‘Validation’ or ‘Recognition of education’ means that primary, secondary, postsecondary, and university education received outside (other foreign countries) of the Czech Republic is considered equivalent to education received in the Czech Republic.

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University of South Bohemia

This is a mandatory welcome course in which foreigners are introduced to the rights and obligations associated with their stay on the territory of the Czech Republic and the Czech Republic's fundamental values, everyday life, culture, and customs.

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University of South Bohemia

Everyone residing in the Czech Republic is required to have proper health insurance. There are two types of health insurance in the Czech Republic: public and private.

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University of South Bohemia

Based on your address, an application to extend the validity of a resident card, residence permit, permanent residence permit, or permanent residence card must be submitted at the local MOI office (České Budějovice)

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University of South Bohemia

Hi! Maria and Linda USB Ambassadors speaking here – we are current master’s students in the double degree Biological Chemistry programme. Let us tell you more about our studies!

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