Past events, tips and tricks to study, student life and much more in one place.
JAMFIRE, který zatím předčil všechny minulé akce, tentokrát ve spolupráci s eventem REDBULLU - \"Can You Make It?\" Soutěžilo se o skvělé ceny, atmosféra byla nabitá, dobrá nálada nás hřála u srdíčka a muziky bylo PLNO! JAMFIRE - akce, která se řídí podle Vás!
Full articleJeden z dlouhodobých projektů studentského spolku JAMFIRE je venku! Ano, máme trika a ty může získat kdokoliv z Vás, kdo chce podpořit tuto rozpálenou akci. Pokud máte o triko zájem, stačí nám napsat do DM na naše sociální sítě (FB, IG nebo mail) a detaily už spolu vyřešíme.
Full articleOne of the long-term projects of the JAMFIRE student association is out! Yes, we have t-shirts and they are available to any of you who want to support this hot event. If you\\\'re interested in a shirt, just DM us on our social media (FB, IG or email) and we\\\'ll work out the details together.
Full articleKampa 11.12., it was a perfect day for another student event directed by the guys from \\\"fiery marmalade\\\" - JAMFIRE!❤️🔥
Full articleThe campus of the University of South Bohemia was busy. The Kampa Student Club was pulsating with a great atmosphere. Music could be heard from all over the world and people were singing and toasting each other. What was going on? This was the START of a new cultural event! JAMFIRE - an event that is run by you.
Full articleKampa 11.12., to byl den jako stvořený pro další našlapanou studentskou akci v režii kluků z \"ohnivé marmelády\" - JAMFIRE!❤️🔥
Full articleThe evening of 4 December was quite special for the Kampa Student Club, because the first Devil Beer Pong took place there.
Full articleV kampusu Jihočeské univerzity bylo rušno. Studentský klub Kampa pulzoval skvělou atmosférou. Hudba byla slyšet ze všech světových stran a lidé si zpívali a připíjeli na zdraví. Co se to dělo? To byl STARTÉR nové kulturní akce! JAMFIRE - akce, která se řídí podle Vás.
Full articleCould you believe that just 15 minutes from Ceske Budejovice, we have access to one of the most beautiful castles of the Czech Republic? On the 14th of October, the Erasmus students were immersed into the beauty of Hluboká...
Full articleAt the beginning of March 2022, we decided to go together with our foreing students to the former seat of the kings of Krakow, a breathtaking city that will fascinate you with its monuments, history and cultural life. We therefore set out to explore this place and meet ESNers from ESN Krakow who took on role of guides.
Full articleI feel children are the best friends anyone could ask for. They love unconditionally and without holding back. They aren't judgmental, but they are assertive and endearing.
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