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1.10. was the first in a series of Jamfire events, this time as part of the student festival.

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1.10. se konala první z řady akcí Jamfire, tentokrát v rámci studentského festivalu.

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Od 31.9. do 20.10. probíhá výstava abstraktních obrazů od umělkyně Kateřiny Kalužové v prostoru Studentského klubu Kampa.

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How was Seznamovák JU 2024?

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Jaký byl Seznamovák JU 2024?

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

An unforgettable festival on the campus of the University of South Bohemia

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

Victory for JU

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

Victory for VŠTE

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

The evening of 13 May was in the spirit of the popular American sitcom Friends.

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

Tension to the last throw.

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We celebrated our first year on the scene to close out the semester. Guys, IT WAS WORTH IT!

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Oslavili jsme náš první rok na scéně a rozloučili se tak s tímto semestrem. Lidi, FAKT TO STÁLO ZA TO!

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