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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

Talks&Party: Explore student societies at the University of South Bohemia

On 29 April 2024, an unforgettable evening of fun, exploration and great music took place at the Kampa Student Club.

17:30, 30/04/2024

This event, called Talks&Party, was dedicated to the introduction of various student societies operating at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.

A total of 5 societies were involved in the event, each of which offered visitors a glimpse into the world of their community and activities. One of these societies was the Student Union of the University of South Bohemia, which presented itself with all its splendour.

Our Student Union is a dynamic and open community of students who share an interest in actively participating in student life and shaping the university environment. We aim to promote student voices, organise various events, workshops, lectures, festivals and of course provide a platform for meeting and sharing ideas.

During the evening we presented the structure of our society, what it entails to be a member, what events we organise and how interested students can join us. It was a great opportunity not only for us, but also for other societies to share their mission and offer students the opportunity to get involved in activities outside of their study obligations.

The evening was not just about presentations and discussions. There was also room for fun and competitions that the societies had prepared for us. It was a great opportunity for visitors to engage in various games and activities and get to know the members of each society better.

And to make our meeting complete, we ended the whole evening with a great party where the amazing DJ Mistergal played for us. His music did not let us sit still and created an unforgettable atmosphere. 

The whole Talks&Party evening was a great opportunity for the students of the University of South Bohemia to explore the diversity of student societies and the possibilities they offer. We hope that we were able to inspire and attract new members to our Student Union and look forward to more events like this in the future.

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