At the beginning of March 2022, we decided to go together with our foreing students to the former seat of the kings of Krakow, a breathtaking city that will fascinate you with its monuments, history and cultural life. We therefore set out to explore this place and meet ESNers from ESN Krakow who took on role of guides.
Our journey began on MArch 9 in České Budějovice and continued north.
Along the wa, we honored the memory of the victims of the Holocaust in the Auswitz concentration camp. The guides took us through the entire camp with heartbreaking stories, which got many of students froze, as they later recounted. Many of our students coma form different cultures where they rarely hear about Holocaust and the cruelty of this ideology which has enormous impact on Jewish population in Europe in 20th century.

After that, we moved to the Krakow metropolis. Here, the students got familiar with detailed program of our visit during the first meeting with ESN members from Krakow.

During the first day in Krakow, we paid a visit to the historic centre of Krakow. pleasing walk along the Wawel Cathedral to the markets on the Rynek Glowny square, followe by free time for relax. We did not miss a tour of the oldest preserved university building in Poland – Collegium Maius.
And since the weather was kind to us, local students showed us the magic of small cafes hidden in the corners of square. We therefore took gratefully their offer, got a coffee and snack and went with them to the adjacent park, where we gathered energy for the next program.