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ESN USB Budweis

International days

International Days 2022 were successfully concluded on Thursday, April 28, 2022 on the campus of the University of South Bohemia in front of the Kampa Student Club.

15:57, 15/06/2022

International Days 2022 were successfully concluded on Thursday, April 28, 2022 on the campus of the University of South Bohemia in front of the Kampa Student Club. Throughout the international days at USB, a varied and entertaining program was prepared for Czech and foreign students, who could take part not only in the flag parade, but also sports competitions, dance and meditation classes, popular Erasmus Talks, picnic, jamming session and other accompanying activities.

We would like to thank all the organizers (ESN USB Budweis, USB International Office and Europe Direct České Budějovice) and participants for their excellent support.

We look forward to meeting you at other international days at USB.

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