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Our USB media ambassadors.


Ambassador – Faculty of Science

I study the Master's double degree programme Biological Chemistry. Being an international student at USB, I am living my best life, pursuing my career goals, and getting the most of my studies! Exploring new countries and cultures will expand your horizons, trust me. Studying abroad is one of the most unique experiences you can have, so don’t miss this opportunity!

Maria Ragozina


Ambassador – Faculty of Agriculture and Technology

Umezurike-Amahah Ngozi Mercy


As an international student at USB, studying for my PhD at the USB Faculty of Agriculture and Technology has allowed me to achieve my career goals and provided me with a comprehensive opportunity to satisfy my quest for knowledge and thirst for adventure. And all of this in addition to the cultural experience that represents a unique kind of education. I am excited to share my experiences with future students. So, I will say, 'Come one and all, let's ACE together at USB'

Ambassador – Faculty of Science

"Being a student of the master´s double degree programme Biological Chemistry at the Faculty of Science USB is so exciting and fulfilling. I learn new and important things every day and the Professors are so encouraging and nice. As an international student, I am really gaining knowledge as am learning with people from different cultures, and it's so exciting".

Linda Victoria Echefu


Ambassador – Faculty of Agriculture and Technology

Baveesh Pudhuvai


I am a PhD student and scientific researcher at the Faculty of Agriculture. My lifelong goal has always been to earn a degree from an institution that combines study in a variety of fields with foreign experience, and the USB has helped me realize that goal in a significant way. Because I am an International Student Ambassador, the university looks on me to represent both its voice and its face. I'm not a hotline or chatbot, but I'd be happy to lend a hand whenever you need it. For me, the opportunity to meet and greet new students on behalf of the institution is an honour and a joy in equal measure.

Alumni Ambassador – Faculty of Science

A graduate of the USB Faculty of Science. I have always been thrilled by new experiences and the idea of studying abroad scared me a bit but it excited me beyond my fears as well.
After coming to USB as an international student, I became entirely a new person.

Nermeen Ashraf
