About us
Student events in one place
All student organisations, events and news at the University can be found on this page. It is now all in one place. All upcoming events are in the general callendar.
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Uniting student societies across the University of South Bohemia
All information in one place
Being on campus will be even more fun with us
All student organisations, events and news at the University can be found on this page. It is now all in one place. All upcoming events are in the general callendar.
More about usThe Student Union of the University of South Bohemia
PUSHRUN – Studentský Běžecký Klub
ESN USB Budweis
Discussion window
Budějovický Majáles
Seznamovák JU
Klub absolventů Jihočeské univerzity
Univerzitní křesťanské hnutí (UKH)
Budweis Bigfoots – Quadball team
Studentský spolek historie FF JU
1.10. was the first in a series of Jamfire events, this time as part of the student festival.
Full article1.10. se konala první z řady akcí Jamfire, tentokrát v rámci studentského festivalu.
Full articleOd 31.9. do 20.10. probíhá výstava abstraktních obrazů od umělkyně Kateřiny Kalužové v prostoru Studentského klubu Kampa.
Full articleAn unforgettable festival on the campus of the University of South Bohemia
Full article